Sunday, August 6, 2017

Convention grounds tour, tent raising, pretty purple flowers and a plate full of guinea pig

May 16

                7:30 breakfast - oatmeal with sides and bread with butter and all sorts of garnishes

                Beverley shared some of her testimony after breakfast.

A few pictures of the dining room at Olmos
Dishwashing (again with hot water)

All the different garbage buckets are handily labeled.  
(Though I wasn't always sure what should go specifically to the pigs and what to the dogs)

One shot of the tent's progress as I head upstairs...

to take a few picture of the sisters' sleeping quarters.
All of the hot water bottles ready to be filled at bedtime

The shoe shelf at the top of the stairs

Wash area
(including a "liquid-only" toilet behind the blue curtain)

The main dorm area with The Sanctuary through that door at the back

It's coming along.

An open patio between the dining area and the kitchen

A few shots of the kitchen

Set up and ready for morning tea

Bottles of boiled water (now room temperature) for the sleeping quarters as well as thermoses to be filled with hot water for in the morning

                Tent up the first time somewhere around 9:30 and back down shortly after because of a problem. Up a second time a little under an hour later. The second time, Sue and I were the only sisters to go help. I'm not sure I was any help because I wasn't exactly sure what the instructions were, but anyway, the tent got up to stay that time.

                Morning tea is at 10:00, but this morning it was later because of the tent. I went and sat with Patti, Laércio, Javier and Diana for a bit without partaking of the tea.

                Jairo and I left for lunch at 11:00 and had a leisurely walk to don Adelino and Sra. Eloisa's (daughter - Katia). Sra. Eloisa is a half sister to Ermécides. (Ermécides González is a Peruvian brother who labors currently in Chile.) I didn't check my watch, but we probably got to their house about noon and then waited at least a half an hour before lunch was served. We had cuy, rice, potatoes, soup, choclo and salad. We sang a few hymns after eating before leaving. Would we beat the rain? That was the question.

I loved these purple flowers and KEPT trying to get "just the right" shot of them.

Can you see the yoke of oxen plowing at the back of the field?

The kitchen with a wash area outside

They artfully arranged a plate so I could get a good picture of the menu.

The storm clouds are gathering...

but we must not miss our opportunity to take pictures of beautiful flowers!

Another of my personal favorites, for some reason

Our destination is in sight.

                I forgot to mention that I only planted one foot in the mud one time on our way to lunch, and it was just up to the ankle or so. Not too far before we got to the hour, there was a little cistern type thing alongside the road, so we stopped so I could wash my boots off. I saw what looked like a mud-covered bottom not too deep down, so I thought I'd try to put my weight on it a bit to see if it was solid. It wasn't. I think I probably have poor Jairo a heart attack or at least another reason to wonder if this clueless American would make it out of this country alive and in one piece.

                We did indeed make it home after lunch just as the first raindrops began to fall. Jairo was very patient with all my picture taking, even pointing out picturesque spots and different flowers. He offered to let me lead the way home, but I declined due to the fact that I didn't know the way home. That was a true fact. However, the real reason that I didn't want to walk in front was that my slip is losing its elastic, and if it fell down as we walked, I wanted to be behind Jairo. As it turned out, my slip did not fall down, but I spent a good part of the journey hiking it back up to where it should be - reason enough to walk in the back!

                No electricity this afternoon as was the case yesterday afternoon. Fortunately, the sun is back out, so that gives our little sanctuary room some light.

                Supper was around 6:30 - Turkey, rice, salad, applesauce and chocolate pudding for dessert

                Quite a nice shower here - hot water heater!

                Early to bed (to get ready for tomorrow)

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