Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Meat cutting

My original hope had been to spend the rest of the day Friday after Kim left doing NOTHING.  However, I was reminded that meat discount day at the supermarket close to the McLeans' is Friday.  Since I'm on the menu and shopping and kitchen detail at Quito convention, I figured maybe I'd better be on the job and get the meat taken care of.  It's good to buy it ahead of time and get it cut up and frozen before the week of the meetings if there's any opportunity for such at all.  The week of meetings can get hectic with the visiting schedule and traveling all around the city and such.  So, I recruited a little help and decided that Friday would be meat shopping and cutting day.  Fortunately, we're only dealing with 14 kilos of meat, and I had two willing helpers, so the whole process only took a little over two hours I guess it was.  And now it's done.  And I'll be very glad of that fact when the week of Quito meetings comes around.

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