Monday, July 31, 2017

The last post for Thursday

Olinda and I had Thursday supper and the night with Lisho and Dalila and family.

Here are all three children: Kevin and Janela holding David.

A dirt floor in the kitchen doubles as a play slate for Kevin.

Yep, it's rabbit for supper!  Along with rice and seven potatoes!  

Conked out! 

This is how you keep the fire going.  Blow through the hollow tube to provide oxygen for the flames. It's quite a chore to get just the right amount of heat consistently for cooking your meal, but the ladies here are experts.

Not pictured: 
Our fun time of making shadow figures on the wall when we were without electricity for a while that evening.  The kids loved it.

Also not pictured:
The hail that landed on my bed during nap time earlier in the day.  That was definitely a first for me!

And the day's end journal entry:
To bed in my long sleeved silk undershirt, pajama shirt and fleece jacket on top and fleece leggings, silk long johns, pajama pants and fuzzy socks on bottom. Plus fleecy "sheets", three heavy blankets and my chanchito (hot water bottle). Hopefully that should keep me warmer than last night.

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