Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Santa Apolonia

On Tuesday, Pilar and Celmira took me up to Santa Apolonia, a look-out over the city of Cajamarca.  In the twelfth century, the Incan inhabitants of Cajamarca used this hill for the worship of the rain, lightning and stars.  Throughout the years since, it has continued to be considered a sacred place.  One pre-Hispanic vestige that can still be seen on Santa Apolonia is the "Silla del Inca" (the Inca's seat), which was hewn out of the stone from the mountainside itself and given shape.  It is said that from this seat, the Incan ruler reviewed his troops.

Just one of the local tour guides....  :-) 

Pilar & Celmira

Cajamarca...Where it all began.

I think I would have actually preferred to walk up these stairs rather than down.  My legs were a bit jelly-like by the time we reached the bottom.

Ladies knitting alongside the road is a common sight here.

1 comment:

Eldon said...

Bright skies & puffy clouds. Moderate temps?