Saturday, August 20, 2016

Parque Turístico Nueva Loja

The Tourist Park in Lago Agrio (also known as Nueva Loja) is a very interesting place.  A group of us met up there around 10:00 on the morning of July 1 to see what we could see before we had to head to our various places for lunch.  The park has a kind of boardwalk through the jungle.  Within are parrots, toucans and other birds, snakes, turtles, and other reptiles, monkeys and some sort of wild pig sort of thing, flowers and abundant greenery and a few native house constructions to look through.  It's worth spending a few hours there if you're ever in town!

Lots to take pictures of!

Zip lining advertisement

Ice cream, anyone?

Your friendly jungle medical clinic is right this way!

There's obviously something worth seeing over that way!  


We were supposed to keep quiet so as not to disturb the snakes.  Some signs read something like, "This is our home.  Please respect it."  I wondered if perhaps it would be a good idea to post such signs for the snakes in areas that are inhabited by humans.  Seems like they could return the favor!

The two varieties of snakes featured at the park:

Boa Matacaballo does not literally translate to Boa Constrictor.  The actual translation is Boa Horsekiller.

So this is obviously not a snake, but it's not going to win any beauty contests either.

Little fungal fairy village 


We only saw one of these; we just shot him several times.

The whole tour group


Eating oranges Ecuadorian style
It takes practice!  

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