Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Guess what it is #9








Anonymous said...

1) Waterfall (rain)
2) Bridge
3) Frosted Cookies
4) Rain boots with a Coat Rack
5) Stripped Hammock
6) End of a boat
I enjoyed the notes that you shared from Krista. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I missed the last one, so better do this one before I forget. (senior brain cells, y'know) Can't have Emily being the only one keeping this going!

1) waterfall
2) footbridge in a beautiful setting
3) cupcakes
4) rainboots and umbrella stand
5) hammock
5) canoe

Anonymous said...

oops - 6) canoe

Talisha said...

1. fountain
2. flower bush and a bridge
4. rainboots
5. hammock
6. Front row seat in a canoe