Friday, January 13, 2017

The workers' picture at LM and other assorted photos

The official camera is ready to go.

 Now to get the workers ready...

Note: Once everything got underway, 95% of these people whipped out cameras / cell phones.  This is the reason that in the official picture that the subjects are looking every which way.  :-)  

Brett sizes things up.

Wrestling match on the top row

Karen is very thankful not to have to respond to a medical emergency.

And the antics continue.

What's going on over there?  Are those the workers behaving like that???

Nearly ready

The official shot

The visitors:
Lorraine Lerwick (USA), Kenion Coleman (USA), Duane Hopkins (Chile/USA), Youngae Koo (Vietnam/S.Korea)

A few co-worker shots

Goings-on round about

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