Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Visit to Telpochcalli

Whenever I'm in the area and have the opportunity, I love to drop by the school where I used to teach.  Located on the corner of 24th and California, Telpochcalli was my home away from home for 4+ years.  I used to joke that I should probably pay rent on my classroom rather than my apartment since I seemed to spend more time at school than I did at home.  Now, Telpochcalli has ceased to be my home or even my home away from home, but it's a wonderful place to visit.  I cherish the memories and friendships made during my time there and consider my brief stint there time very well spent.  

I used to arrive to an empty parking lot;
Now it's full by the time I get there.
I buzz in, 
and in the office I find a younger version of the face that used to sit behind the desk of the woman who, in so many ways, runs the school.
In and out of the office they come,
children who need band-aids and ice packs,
people making and picking up deliveries,
students who need to use the phone
teachers making copies.
"Ohmygoodness!  It's you!"  
And we hug and exclaim and hug again.
Because we haven't seen each other since my last visit two years ago.
There's a little time to catch up but not much
because school doesn't stop just because I'm there.
And it's good to see that things are carrying on like they used to.
The hallways look the same - 
Different artwork and student papers,
Different young passers-by
But the same feel, the same smell, the same enthusiasm.
I stop by the different classrooms
And share the same brief synopsis about what I'm doing. 
"Yes, I'm still doing ministry work."
"Yes, I'm very happy."
"It's a wonderful life."
And I mean all of those things. 
I've moved on.
I no longer belong at Telpochcalli.
But it's still part of me,
And I don't think that will ever change.


Karmen said...

So glad you got to go :)

Kamela said...

Me too. I knew it had been a while but couldn't remember when I was last there. It was right before I went to the Carolinas. My longest stretch without visiting - two years! It was good to be back.

Anita said...

Nice to go back and revisit old haunts and people we once knew. :)

Kamela said...

Yes, indeed, Anita!