Monday, December 14, 2015

To-do lists

I have always been a fan of lists.  One reason is that I am, by nature, a fairly organized person, and making lists just plain satisfies the part of me that longs for orderliness.  It's very satisfying to cross of items one by one as you've accomplished them.  Sometimes I even add items after I've done them just so I can cross them off!  And there's NOTHING like a completed to-do list.  (Have I ever had one of those???)  Another very important reason for making lists is that if I don't make lists, I forget things!  Sometimes kind of important things.  So, to avoid potential disaster and embarrassment, I resort to my nifty little lists.  They're a bit like an auxiliary brain!

So, one item on my current to-do list simply says "blog."  It's not a big word.  It doesn't take up much space on my list, but it's BIG!  Do you remember the last time I blogged?  I believe my last post was entitled "Nueve meses."  Since that entry, I've had my ten-month and just yesterday, my eleven-month anniversaries of my arrival in Ecuador.  So, if you do the math, that's two months of stuff to catch up on.  Two full months!  So, I guess instead of rambling about what I need to do, I should just get going and DO it.  Here goes...

1 comment:

Eldon said...

I do get more done with a list but don't always take the time to make one. Listless I suppose.