Friday, November 7, 2014

The Harvest

This is my favorite time of year.  There are many reasons that this is the case.  One of the main ones is that I love the harvest.  As I look out over fields that are ready to be harvested, I am amazed by the beauty of dried and withering stalks that bear bowing ears of corn.  In a way, it's not an intuitive beauty.  It's a beauty that must be looked for and thought about.  It's not the beauty of new life just sprouting from the earth.  It's not the beauty of strong green stalks standing tall.  It's the beauty of the finished product.  It's the final step that makes all the other parts of the process worthwhile.  It reminds me what life is really all about.  Maybe we wouldn't see the end of life as such a beautiful thing.  But the end of a life that has borne fruit for the Master is a life fulfilled.  That's what makes it beautiful.  That's why God plants the seed in the first place. That's why He provides everything that it needs to flourish in the growing season.  God loves a good harvest.  And so do I.

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