Thursday, May 28, 2020

This is how we get ready for gospel meeting.

So, obviously, these pictures are not current.  I had gotten behind on my blog before the quarantine began, and somehow haven't gotten around to catching up, despite all the down time we've had over the past couple of months.  Anyway, I'm going to make an effort to play "blog ketchup" today, so we'll see how it goes.

These pictures are from back in February.  Eli and I were in our bedroom getting ready for the Bible study/Gospel meeting that evening, and in came all the grandchildren of the couple in whose home we were staying.  Since Eli paid more attention to them in the moment than I did, they all congregated on her bed, telling her story after fascinating story.  I took several videos, but for some reason it's not letting me upload any videos to the blog, so I guess I'll have to forego sharing those.

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