Sunday, April 8, 2012

A thought from Myrtle Beach Special Meeting

Yes, only one thought.  I didn't have a Bible or hymn book with me at this Special Meeting (on the day of the fateful discovery), let alone a notebook, so no notes were taken.  Sadly enough, other things on my mind (and in my hair) prevent too much recall of what was said that night.  Here's the one thought that stood out to me.

The last verse of Romans 12 says, "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."  If someone mistreats us and we respond in kind, evil has overcome us.  If we respond to wrong that is done to us with a right spirit, we have overcome evil with good.


Jennifer said...

We enjoyed our Special Meeting yesterday, and enjoyed seeing your family there! What a nice surprise. :)

Kamela said...

Yeah, it was really nice they could be down there right at Special Meeting time. I know they very much enjoyed being there. Hugs to your kiddos for me.