Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Ecuador Preps and Conventions 2022

El Cristal Preps - Oct. 19-29

Las Mercedes Preps - Oct. 19-24


Las Mercedes - Nov. 4-6

El Cristal - Nov. 11-13

Lago Agrio - Nov. 19-20

Cuenca - Nov. 20

Ipiales, Colombia - Nov. 26-27

Quito - Dec. 2-4

**I will be at all the places in blue.**


Here is a link for the Google Map of the Ecuador conventions.  I've never tried anything like this before, so hopefully it will work.



And here's a picture of the map I just took with my phone, so maybe that will work better for some of you.  I'm definitely not a techie! 

Las Mercedes - Red pin
El Cristal - Blue pin
Lago Agrio - Orange pin
Cuenca - Purple pin
Ipiales - Brown pin
Quito - Green pin

I found dill pickles!!!


It took me two whole days to finish off the entire jar.  

New Bible


Sweet Joshua is very excited about his new Bible!

With enough cushions, you can make anything work!


I believe there were 4 cushions involved in this set-up - one underneath and three behind.  

Colada Morada & Guaguas de pan

The Day of the Dead is coming up here in Ecuador (as well as in other Latin countries), and one evidence is the smell of colada morada and guaguas de pan.  I'll paste a link here in case you would like more basic details regarding any of the things mentioned above.


This is colada morada (may be drunk hot or cold) and regular bread (not a guagua de pan).

BIG batch of colada morada

Last night's guagua

I decapitated him right away.  

Happy #13, Celia!


She's such a sweet girl, and it's always nice to show up to a home in time to eat cake!  :-) 

Meat Shopping and Chopping

Typically, we shop for all the meat we will need for Quito convention before we leave for preps, cut it up and package it, and store it in an available freezer in order to cut down on the work the actual week of convention there.  On Fridays at SuperMaxi, meat is on 20% discount, so we try to take advantage of that! 


My face rather makes me look like I'm in charge of the operation, which is certainly NOT the case!  

Happily chopping in Don David's kitchen

Food again

I feel like I'm creating a lot of posts about food, but that's a very common question at home: "What do you eat down there?"  So sometimes it's easier to answer with pictures than to come up with a good answer at another table.  :-)

The thing in the middle is a sort of tortilla made out of yucca and stuffed with cheese.  The coffee is instant.  :-)

Granola making


We made out quite well at the market!  Preps granola should be quite tasty!

Sunday night

Don Aníbal, the man of the home where we stayed Sunday night, keeps bees and had recently gotten a new hive that he was working with when we arrived.

Don Aníbal and Sra. Julieta have quite a lovely view of the city from their rooftop.

Just don't trip going down the stairs!

A little garden down below

They're kind of sad about the new building behind them that blocks some of their view.

Neighbor dogs

A & J's son, Presley, was in a motorcycle accident a few years ago, so their back patio is set up so he can do some rehab.

Sunday supper

I found this purse hook quite to be ingenious.

And Monday breakfast!

Sra. Julieta sells "American" clothes out of her front room for some extra income.  



Since our gospel meeting got cancelled a week ago Sunday, we hung out for a while with Rebekah, Maricela and Benjamín, and I taught them how to play Splendor.

Too bad no one looks like they're having any fun!

Can you tell Jill's favorite color?


Papeleo (Paperwork)

 It's a wonderful system!  The building opens for business at 8:30 am, so you get there at 6:30 (or before if you can) to stand in line in the freezing cold until they tell you they aren't actually giving out "turnos" for the thing you came for.  Anyway, it gave Jill a chance to make some progress on one of the socks she's knitting.

One of the MANY dogs alternately hanging around waiting for a handout and napping

Saturday, October 8, 2022

When we get to where we're going...


Yes, I do still have two legs.  :-) 

And for those of you who have been waiting for a picture of chicken and rice...


Here it is.  :-)

And here's breakfast the next morning...

Besides the eggs, this plate contains cooked green bananas mixed with tomatoes, onions, green peppers and garlic.  A LOT OF IT!!!

And that very evening, I got to make my own supper!
Sorry I can't get the picture to rotate, but you get the idea.

When you leave your jacket in the taxi...

 ...and you have to get another one that's not black.  

Maybe it'll keep me from standing out so much down here!!!



Chatting away with "Auntie" Jill

As close to fall as we're getting down here


Moving makes for extra fun play spaces!


The danger is real!


Jill uses a homemade sword and shield to defend herself from the rubber band bow and arrow.  

We found an exciting new thing!

 If you know me, you'll understand my excitement at seeing this at the mall the other day.

Playing with Rafa

This girl has an imagination!  

We played tea shop, veterinary clinic, Barbie house, restaurant, and probably a few other things in quick succession.  Time for playing is short; you have to make the most of it!!!


Enjoying a very relaxing massage