Saturday, February 8, 2020


Here's what Wikipedia says about this Ecuadorian Amazon delicacy:

The name chontacuro comes from Quichua and means "worm of the chonta or mayĆ³n."  This dish is part of the daily diet of the indigenous Amazon people and can be eaten raw or cooked.  Chontacuro has curative properties in alleviating coughs and asthma.  In addition, it contains vitamins A and C.

The chontacuro is an insect that is harvested from the Chonta Palm, where the worm grows in the trunk, in white larvae that can measure between 5 and 6 centimeters in length and 2 centimeters in diameter.  A certain kind of beetle lays its eggs in the trunk of the plant, and 10 weeks later the eggs are transformed into the larvae, which are then harvested for consumption.

Yum yum yum!!!

I had three.

It took quite a while to convince Eli to try one.  

While I probably wouldn't order them off a menu, they're actually not too bad!


Eldon said...

Eyes open or closed when you ate your three?

Kamela said...

Oh, they were open!