Monday, November 6, 2017

The power of life

We've heard it mentioned before, and several times recently, that with life, comes power.  Last week, we were waiting for a lady to arrive home from work so that we could study with her.  She's had a hard life and still lives in difficult circumstance.  However, it's been beautiful this year to see her wanting to learn more about God and His way.  She could blame her situation - other people, lack of natural wherewithal, past experiences, lack of formal education, etc. - for many things, but the desire that she has expressed to us is, "I want to change."  

So, while we were waiting there outside the house, I saw these little flower-things growing out of the rock wall by where I was standing.  And it made me think of Nelly.  And so many others.  We can't change the rocks.  We can just send our roots down farther and grow.  And if we're really alive, we'll be able to prosper right where we are.

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