Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The beginning of my week in "the jungle"

Apr. 26

                We arrived at the terminal in Moyobamba somewhere in the vicinity of 5:30 a.m. That part is all a bit of a blur to me for some reason. The list said that we were supposed to have breakfast in Moyo (short for Moyobamba) before traveling on to Soritor, but because of the hour, we decided to go on to the bach in Soritor and break the fast there.

                Today's traffic sign: "Evitemos los accidentes." (Let's avoid accidents.)  I think that's an excellent idea. I'm definitely all for it!

                Dicson (Dickson León, one of the native brothers on the staff and a half-brother to Juan León who is on our Ecuador staff) was waiting for us when we arrived at the bach. Breakfast was prepared, wet clothes that we had brought from Jaén were rehung on the line, I think a few winks were caught by at least one person (not me), and we finally sat down to the table around 8:00 or so. Was it really that late? I think I have that right. Maybe we were finished by 8:00. Anyway, after breakfast, we four sisters went to the places where we are scheduled to spend the night.

                Olinda and I came to Sra. Adela's. We waited downstairs while she finished readying our rooms, and finally were shown to our quarters. We have our own rooms!!!!! It didn't take me long to fall asleep, and I stayed that way until 11:00 or so. Not enough to make up for all that was lost, perhaps, but better than nothing for sure!!!

                I became aware at some point that it was raining and my clothes were hanging out on the line back at the bach and that the only two possibilities were that my clothes would become the opposite of dry or that one of the brothers would have to think to move them to the clothesline underneath the roof. At this particular point in my life, either of those options seemed quite acceptable to me!

                Lunch at Sra. Clementina's (Héctor, Elvia, Kamela) - daughter, Shirley, and daughter-in-law,?, were also there along with ?'s two sons, Jeyson and Fran, and Shirley's five month old baby, Joel Dariel

Sra. Clementina with her grandson, Joel Dariel

Can you make out the hammock cradle between the table and the counter?  

Joel Daniel and his mama

                Héctor shared some about interest in their field after lunch and we sang two hymns.

                Back to Sra. Adela's for a "rest", a shower, laundry and getting ready for meeting.

                Supper at 6:00

                Gospel Meeting at 7:00 (Héctor - Noah, Kamela - Ruth, Elvia - Lc. 13 fig tree)

                Back to Segundo and Adela's for the night

Hope you're not having too much difficulty following my sometimes incomplete journal entries.  I've decided that if I don't just copy and paste directly from my journal, I will never finish blogging about Peru!  

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