Thursday, August 3, 2017

My fourth Sunday in Peru

May 7

                Lovely meetings today!

Getting the room set up for meeting

The whole group

                Rain, rain, go away!!!

Guess we'll gear up for a hike in the rain
Looks like at least one little boy is impressed by our fashionable rain gear!

                Hike out in the mud and rain
Author's Note:
Thus, no pictures.

                Arrived in Jaén somewhere between 7:30 & 8:00

                Supper with all the workers in our group and the Jaén group in the bach - Chinese food for a nice change

                Night in a hostel

                We hit the road at 5:00 in the morning. I'm waiting to shower until Palmira gets here so I can let her in. Maybe that's her???

                It was her! A cold shower felt wonderfully good, and I shaved my legs up to my knees. What luxury! Oh, and how did I get mud all the way up there?!?!

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