Saturday, November 9, 2013

Summer Bucket List #65, 5 & 68


I must admit that this particular bucket list item seemed a bit ironic to me.  How could it possibly be accomplished?  If you have a party for no particular reason so that you can cross the item off of your bucket list, then you really are having a party for a particular reason and thus can never really and truly accomplish the item that is actually on the list.  (I just wanted to see how long I could make that sentence.)  Anyway, after our geocaching adventure, Dad, Parker, Fleece and I decided to try to make this party for no particular reason happen.  It seemed good to combine this bucket list item with another.  Specifically:


Parker shared with us how to make ice cream in a Ziploc bag.  Put in necessary ingredients and shake, shake, shake.  It's great because you get to burn your calories before you even consume them!  (Or something like that)  We got a little party music going (Use your imagination.) and shook, shook, shook (our ice cream bags) all the while wearing our painstakingly constructed party hats.  It was great!

Here sit the Party Pooper and the Party Animal

Homemade ice cream ingredients

Dad mixes up his bag

Parker (the Party Pooper) shows us his party face as he prepares to shake, shake, shake.

Oh, what fun we are all having!
(for no particular reason)

The ice cream

Doctored up a little

Fleece wishes she wasn't lactose intolerant.

Parker's excited!

And then...
What better thing to do at a party for no particular reason than to...


Parker examines the rules document.

And explains it to the rest of us
Oops!  Better try that again and see if we can keep Fleece's hat on.

Take 2:
No luck with the hat but at least we got all the way through the explanation
Thanks, Parker!  The dramatic reading and animation helps us understand so much more clearly.

Fleece is ready to go.

Perhaps she got a little too noisy?

If you are ever wondering what to do, I highly recommend having a party for no particular reason.  We really enjoyed it.  :-)  


Karmen said...

I had the exact same reaction to 'have a party for no particular reason'. Looks like yours was pretty nifty, even though you had a party pooper in attendance.

Kamela said...

Oh indeed! It was a dandy!