Monday, October 23, 2017

Celebrating from afar

Monday, September 18, was my grandma Rodgers' 86th birthday.  (Sorry if you didn't want that information publicized, Grandma! 😁)  I had called her in the morning, I think it was, and told her that we would celebrate here while she was celebrating there.  Little did I know, that would actually literally be the case!  

A couple more "out the window shots" from Andrés and Milena's

A & M

We spent part of the day at Sra. Alicia's, since she's one of two people in our field that has a piano keyboard.  She was actually away - in Mexico for conventions for two weeks, but I had a key, so we let ourselves in and "played" to our hearts' content.

A & M had arranged for us to meet them at their non-mall foodcourt location for supper that night.  It's just around the corner from where they live, so we walked over at the appointed time and enjoyed a delicious supper.  Apparently the day of Love and Friendship had been a few days before, so the place was still decorated for said occasion, creating an air of festivity.  Then, partway through our meal, the strains of "Cumpleaños Feliz / Happy Birthday" began to play over the loudspeaker.  Someone upstairs was celebrating their special day at Asaditos.  I quickly grabbed Kim's iPod and began recording the song to send it to Grandma.  Unfortunately, I believe the video got deleted after I sent it, but at least she got to see it.  Then, to top it all off, they served us a brownie and ice cream after our meal.  So, we really DID celebrate from afar, in a way I never imagined when I told Grandma that's what we would do.  😊😊

Asaditos from the outside

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