Monday, March 30, 2015

Oh, wait! I did get a few Minas pictures!

I keep trying to get pictures of the "locals," but conditions are very seldom optimal for such a task.  Here's a lady who just got off of our bus with her multiple bundles.

Typical side street in the little town that we pass through on our way to Minas

Just to the right of above side street

Unfortunately, it's hard to make out the picture on the billboard at the entrance to the above side street.  It's a man working away in a computer lab.  Quite a study in contrasts!  

A few local ladies on the steps of the church

'Tis the season for choclo! 

Minas - Town Center

That's the bus terminal in the background of the picture.
(the green/yellow building on the left)

How we get from town out to Sra. Mercedes' house for our study

Transporting his gas tank

EVERYWHERE people have little stands set up to sell various culinary delights.

Very few walls remain undecorated.

The fog has lifted a little.

Home for somebody

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