Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A different kind of window shopping

Here is the tiendita across the street from our bach.  This picture is taken through the window between the laundry table and the stove (refer to previous entry).  

Our next-door neighbors have devised a system of shopping that precludes the necessity of leaving the house.  Here are the steps.

1. Holler to get the attention of the lady running the shop.
2. Shout your order to her.  (i.e. one pound of rice, two eggs and a tomato)
4. Lower money through the window to the ground level in a cut-open gallon jug.
5. Receive products (and possibly change) in jug and haul up to the second floor.
6. Repeat process as often as needed.  Possibly 14 times in one morning.

1 comment:

Karmen said...

Hahaha. I love it. Efficient?? Or.... :)