Friday, May 29, 2020

Yes, we have an automatic ice maker.

It hasn't broken down yet!

I finally decided one day that I had gone long enough without ice, so I decided to do something about it.

If you would like to replicate my nice ice experience:

1. Fill a plastic bag with as much water as will fit in the available space in your freezer.
2. Double bag in case the first bag springs a leak.
3. Leave in the freezer for a day or two, rotating as necessary for a complete freeze.
4. When you can't live any longer without ice, open both bags.  Drain any liquid ice into a cup.
5. Smash ice cube with hammer.
6. Remove the plastic that has frozen into the ice chunk.  (At least as much of it as you can)
6. Spoon ice into your Happy mug for a refreshingly cold beverage.

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