Tuesday, March 12, 2013


So what does one do when one has just safely arrived at their night's destination after a harrowing trip through a mini-blizzard?  Does the answer, "Go for a walk" cone to your mind?  If so, pat yourself on the back.  You're a winner!  

From the inside looking out
Doesn't look too bad, right?

A shot down the street

Someone's been down this alley recently.

Footprints in the snow (mine)

Can a person ever get too many of snow-covered branches?  
I think not.
Here are just a couple.

The brave outdoorswoman has returned, rosy-cheeked and ready for a nice warm supper.

Crazy?  Perhaps.
But how could a person pass up such a winter adventure?


KL said...

Yay! I'm a winner too :)

Kamela said...

Yes, you are definitely a winner! :-) YYYNY!!!!

Unknown said...

i'm confused... i thought you said you were walking on sidewalks that day?

Kamela said...

Ummm... Yes, I mainly was walking on sidewalks. However, when I ran out of sidewalks, I had to use a bit of the road to get to the next one. Also, I walked down an alley. Never came in close proximity of a moving vehicle. I think I saw one down the road a ways.