Monday, April 30, 2012


Shortly after waking up yesterday morning, I learned that my good friend, Kendra Whittington, had passed from time into eternity.  There's so much I could say, but somehow I can't find the words.  She was an inspiration to me and to many others.  She loved life and gave herself to the things that caused her life to be very rich.  She didn't have long here on this earth, but she used the time she had in a way that takes away all regret.  I'm glad for the memories I have of Kendra and would like for those memories to spur me onward in the path of never-ending life.

God gave us life
And we entered the world as a tiny baby
Helpless and innocent and full of potential

We grew
And life got bigger
And harder
And more beautiful

And at some point we realized that life was not just something that
       someone else chose for us
But something that we choose ourselves

It is a gift
But to keep it we must fight
And give ourselves to it
And take care of it
And love it

Life is a miracle
A mystery
A treasure
A wonder
A joy
And so we choose to fight

But life’s not just about living and breathing and being
Because this life is temporary
The God who gave it to us has planned that it would be that way
So we wonder
What’s the purpose

The purpose of life is deeper life
Not life in the body but life in the spirit
Life lived unto the Giver of life
Life consecrated to the will of God
Life filled with power to do the impossible
Life spent in willing and unselfish service to the Master and our fellow man
Life that is unending

And that life too is a gift
And to keep it we must fight
And give ourselves to it
And take care of it
And love it

That life is the greatest miracle
The greatest mystery
The greatest treasure
The greatest wonder
The greatest joy
And so we choose to fight

So that nothing will take away that life from us
Because that life is everything

And when that life is in us
Death cannot take it from us
It is ours forever
And we will be glad for all eternity
That we fought for life

I'm so glad that Kendra fought for life!

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