Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Thoughts please

What do you think of this statement?  Is it accurate?  Worded in the best possible way?

Freedom is more binding than bondage.


Tamara Erickson said...

I think I know what your saying in the quote, but it might need clarifying...??? Bondage to God's will is definitely much more freeing than being free to take our own way. Bondage to some other things that people are in bondage to - alcohol, drugs, etc. not so much. It is a good thought and wonderful to be able to live in His bondage.

Anonymous said...

We've been discussing freedom versus security at our house for a few months. Think of a bird in a cage...100% security 0% freedom. Think of a wild bird 100% freedom 0% security. So which are we spiritually? (My captive will a gladsome bird, prisoned in such a realm of grace.) When we give up our own will (goodbye freedom) and accept God's will (hello security) we can rest during the storm, like Jesus did.
