Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mattress Covers

Last year it was decided, for a number of reasons, that new mattress covers were necessary for the dorms at Mt. Sterling.  Throughout the year, various ladies assisted with this massive project, and the result was incredible.  I've never seen so many people anxious to help cover mattresses during preps.  There was talk of color coordinating corners of the dorm and ensuring that the brighter colors were spread throughout rooms so that it wouldn't be boring.  I also have to add, that for me personally, just walking into the dorms and seeing all the color made me very happy!  Thanks to all who had a part in Mattress Covers 2011!

Looks like there's a little color coordinating going on

Dorm on the hill

Senior Ladies' Dorm


Men's Dorm

Ladies' Basement Dorm

And the story is not complete without the tale of the rejected mattress covers of the past.  Some were sent to another convention grounds to be used there.  Some were used as drop cloths for our painting project. Some were selected to be made into tea towels.  And alas, some were good for nothing but to be burned!  Joel, Kim and Pina worked together to create a nice little urn for the ashes of my "beloved" mattress covers of conventions past.  I certainly appreciated the gesture.  :-)  

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