Monday, May 23, 2011

Activity with a capital J

Janet and I are enjoying all the activity at the Hoversland household this week.  Jon and Jamie have four children.  Jackson and Jilian will be 10 on the 29th of May.  Jude will be 9 in September, and Jake will be 6 in July.  Lots of things going on around here!

Last night's original play featured Jilian as a flower, Jackson as soil, Jude as sunshine and Jake as water.  The flower wants to grow.  What should she do?  Should she eat cupcakes and candy bars?  No, she needs something else!  "Mr. Soil, why do I need you?"  "I provide nitrogen..."  And so on.  Very scientific.  Too bad my camera battery died in the middle of it!  

Chocolate peanut butter cupcakes courtesy of Jilian (with a little help from Mom)

One piece of evidence that a few kids live here

He did not get here by going in through the gate!

How fun to have a creek in your front yard!

Relaxin' in the hammock

Tonight's play featured Jilian as "Pioneer Nellie."

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