Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Beginning

Never thought I'd be a blogger, but here I am typing my first blog entry.  (I'm assuming there will be more.)  When I visited Telpochcalli (the school where I used to teach) yesterday, one of the teachers suggested that I would be easier to keep track of if I kept a blog.  :-)  I'm not promising a thrill a minute or anything, but I'll try and share a little of this and a little of that on my travels to here and there.  You're welcome to come along if you're interested.


DougnKarena said...

hi Kamela! This is neat. I particularly like your title:) And I hope to be better at following yours, than I am at keeping up ours!:( Kiera just turned 4, and Trevon just turned 8 (today in fact!)--so somehow or another I'll get some photos out--hopefully sooner rather than later!:) well, happy, happy days.....from here to there!;) ~Karena

Sandra Ramey said...

Awesome...we'll look you up:)
Thanks Kamela!