Monday, October 31, 2011

Mom's 50th Birthday

Since Dad has already done all the work, I'll let him do the talking.

Life at Main and Sunny Lane

What do these places have in common?

La Paz

Did you make a guess?  If not, do so before scrolling down to the answer.  Cheating is no fair and no fun!

These are all names of towns in Indiana.  There are more "foreign" places in this state as well, but I didn't want to make it too overwhelming.  :-)  

A New Discovery

The other day, as I was walking, I discovered a lovely little park with a tangle of trails leading through trees and prairie grass, around ponds and over creeks complete with tiny waterfalls.  Needless to say, I returned the next day with my camera.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Una oportunidad especial

Today Alice and I went to Fort Wayne to help Mark and Scott with a Spanish Bible Study.  It felt so good to use Spanish again.

What do these places have in common?

La Paz

New Field

Alice and I arrived in our new field on Wednesday evening in time for supper with Allen and Sharla Rundle and their kids.  Our first Gospel Meeting was the next night, and there I saw more new faces.  I think I'm going to like it here!

Here's our Gospel Meeting schedule for the rest of this month and the next.  (Always subject to change, of course!)

- Oct. 30, Nov. 6, 13, 20 & 27 (All Sundays) @ 4:00 p.m. (central time) in Crown Point, IN

- Oct. 20, 26, Nov. 2, 9,17 & 23 (some Wednesdays, some Thursdays) @7:30 p.m. (eastern time) in Wakarusa, IN

If you're anywhere nearby, you're invited!

Crossing Paths

On Tuesday, Gloria, Janet and I left Shoals and headed up to Kokomo to meet up with Alice.  Sharon and Lynae came over too.  All six of us had supper together and also lunch on Wednesday before we separated and headed for our fields.

Our "companion" picture
Our names are on the list as a threesome.  Janet and I had a week together.  Gloria was with us for a day.  The picture makes if official!

Sharon, Janet, Kamela, Gloria, Alice, Lynae

Walk in the Woods

Actually, it was a walk on the road at the Woods' - Fred and Florence Woods' to be exact.

The driveway

Doesn't it just make you want to see what's around the corner?

There's never a dull moment... a house with children.  Janet and I enjoyed our weekend with the Beardslee's.  Here are just a few of the activities that took place while we were there.

Sierra and McKenna posing with Fleece and her newfound friends

I wasn't sure I was going to be able to reclaim Fleece.  She was very loved!

Sierra on her Barbie bike

For me?!  How sweet!

Leyton and one of his many nerf guns

Drawing a giraffe in her book

Another nerf gun

Leyton making snowflakes

Finished products

A dangling blizzard

Inman and Sierra playing a game


Waiting for Leyton's soccer game to start
Inman refuses to look at the camera!  :-)  

Go, Leyton!


The spectators

Yummy cupcakes!